Digitális árcímke
Digitális árcímke
Digitális árcímke
Integrált megoldások
Asztali forgatható terméktartó
Árcímke szoftver

Digital price tags

  • high resolution 2,5-7'' lcd/e-paper screens
  • Price change with a single click
  • Professional high-end look
  • Wireless solutiions
  • User friendly software with remote access

Pricing and to keep the prices updated in all the stores was a great challenge without our digital price tag systems. Doesn't matter if we talk about a single price modification, sales promotion, product position change or store remodelling, prices can be changed by one click saving money and time. Forget about your printed price labels and go for innovation!

Our tags are available from 2,5-7" sizes, from e-paper technology all the way to color pricetag systems.

These price tags can display not only Price information, but further product details and graphics as well. Our plexi panels can host merchandising security and electronic price tags as well offering a high-end look for the stores.

All for Stores

